blatant hypocrisy- YES!: My personal experiences growing up inside of Christianity and beyond: I have been violated and groomed for sex, by men in the Church; my step dad (Christian, church attendee) violated me; I was the one who had to warn our preacher not to come to our community because my step dad was threatening to kill him and us; not one person cared about the horrible violence in my parent's house; Christians enabled and pushed me back into the abuse and trauma of my (now) ex (who is Christian and lifetime church involvement). They insisted that I must try harder and learn how to please him. Actual pornographic material use is rampant and common among Christian men, as is violence and abuse. I do not see examples of Christians caring about children within their own walls or communities. How many children are being groomed and raped within the walls of Christianity?
This issue also is not about children. It is about control, authoritarianism, tyranny and vile hatred. So why is it that Christians actively hate and are compelled to expend so much effort to hurt people of the LGBTQ community, women and people of color? And what does this demonstrate to us about them? If Christians gave a damn about children or the well-being of society, then they should begin with trying to look at themselves and then try cleaning up and atoning for their own vile and horrible crimes. But like other fellow abusers, they are driven to control and hurt people that they don’t like and think are less than.
It is utter madness, them always flapping about issues they are branding others with porn, grooming, sex (which in Christianity is shamed, forbidden, condemned and smothered). Utter corruption. I hope people who are merely blinded by the conditioning that they have been taught, will begin to open their eyes and walk away from the deception and toxicity of religion. There are others that are empty and evil. They will never change.