Hello: Ok I made a memo of the book, Infidel. I will look at it more closely. It is interesting to think of other experience with religion that were different ones than mine. But somehow the roots and effect, I would think, look very similar. But I think that is what I was thinking when I wrote the article: opening the door for community whatever the religious experience. You say: dependent on people and communities that have no interest in our well being. (I can't highlight ). That resonates with me. NAMI: I looked it up. And: "trauma from religious source": Good information. I admire that you are using your voice, you are thoughtful and proactive. The way you present the information also feels caring and empathetic. I do appreciate this. It makes me think: I came from kind of isolated rural areas. When I got my leg gashed open as a child or had an injury, no one pays much attention and you don't get taken to get medical care. I supposed that it was the way you do it in the country. But that is not who I am. I do care. I see now that people in my atmosphere didn't care or were not connected. What a strange suffocating world to live in. What a contrast that you are proactive in reaching out. It is encouraging. The world is a better place when we connect and care this way.
This popped into my mind when I was reading one of your replies:
Have you read this one? It's been a while but I think the Jill Bolte Taylor book may be the one that I am tripping on. I think all three books I would like to read. One of them has a spiritual component to the idea of healing (if I remember correctly). If you read or have read these, I would be happy to hear your insight. I think it connects with trauma and healing. I have learned to be the girl that grew up on a farm and with neglect: just keep your head down and bulldoze through it all. I know that I would like to invest in healing modalities, but I can't or haven't gotten to a place or space to feel like I can or will.