Hey I appreciate your warm and compassionate thought. You also, if you wish to share something that is beneficial to you. My daughter has a lot of great affirmations on a mirror. One that is outstanding to me is: Oprah: "People who love you don't treat you badly." (me: I have always existed with people that say the words and do the "nice" things, but actions and how they treat me are not similar.) I love this one we saw on social media by @flossybaby (she is speaking): "stop worrying if people like you and ask yourself if you even like THEM. I'm Simon Cowell bitch! You auditioning for MY show. "(me: I love the humor and sassy strength of that. Good script for me.) And a quote from a book: "Kali, Hindu Goddess" 'The Girl and the Goddess' by Nikita Gill: "Wear your hair wild, embrace your anger and learn to wield it without fear as a sword against those who hurt you." (me: It is strong and beautiful.)
Also, your suggestion is needed. I need the intention of identifying fractures and writing affirmations for those. It is a well received suggestion. And one necessary for healing. I have some serious road blocks to move.