I appreciate open minded discussion and debate. It is a beautiful thing when we care more about each other as well as being passionate about issues.
I am not certain of what Poletti believes. I wonder if he is digging in and investigating for error and reality of the roots of the belief systems. I spent my life inside of religion and Christianity. I can understand why Poletti's work may make you uncomfortable. I stepped outside the walls of religion very recently. It would have likely disturbed me if I was still on the inside and feeling like it shouldn't be touched.
Is he trying to prove it wrong or is he investigating and finding "troubling" information? I am only surmising, but I wouldn't rule out that this does not feel troubling to him as well.
And back to your original point, is his not one of those different views?
I wouldn't say he is trying to tear down Christianity, technically. What if it is tearing itself down? Isn't it positive to question, investigate and really know more about history and religion? I can see the shock value of what he communicates. I know it must be rocking the Christian world. I don't discount his work because of that. I am impressed by the amount of time and effort he must be putting into reading scholars, text and other information.