I appreciate that you would consider reading my writing. I am new to this platform and I felt frozen and so much fear writing and actually hitting the publish button. I began to write because I recently got away from toxic and abusive people. It is the first time I have had a voice and space to share it. Medium is an amazing experience. It has opened my mind to a whole new world. The connection and community is unexpected and so good (there are a few that aren't). Yes, your words "exciting revelation" sums it up perfectly. Confidence: I understand this. But may I just give you a little nudge off the diving board? I think it is a continual process of investing, reading, connecting and writing. Write what you love. Write what is on your heart and what makes your heart sing or doesn't. Your reply to Dr T J's article is one of the best things I have read. So much so that I want to reread it over time. Your expressiveness, open mindedness, thought and genuineness are priceless ingredients. The way you connect is lovely. I reread your reply to T J again and thought I want to read your writing because what I read is amazing. So please set up your profile and write something as soon as possible. Now even. I don't know that what I write is worthwhile. I hope it will be eventually. Dive in. You are already a very good writer.