I have been on the outside of Christianity for a few years. And I am sure it is a long deconstruction process. But I keep seeing examples that religion looks like mental illness to me. I see people so twisted and hateful. It is insanity. I had to step outside of the walls of religion to have space to say it is toxic. Why are they so fierce in their hatred of people? Why do they so easily ignore "love your neighbor", "God is love" and "the greatest of these is love"? I have to ask the question: Is this Christianity? And is this what you choose to be a part of? I feel that choosing religion is choosing hatred, harm and destruction. What else could it be?
Is it possible that disinformation and propaganda has entranced so many people? I understand this personally in terms of abuse (narcissistic abuse) and being caught up in the "force field"/ powerful influence of toxic people.
Zelenskyy's video: Very creative and fun. Eastern European men are looking very good to me. He is the first person that I have seen that I could see being an authentic person- the type who I would wish to hold public office. He shows genuineness, creativity, intelligence and character. He seems to show that he has passion and cares about the people of Ukraine. At least he was not hiding behind a created persona.
Put toxic Christians and Zelenskyy (and their sizzling hot dance video) on a scale and decide which you choose.
Long live the spirit of the people of Ukraine and the fire of freedom that burns in their hearts. I have great compassion for the people of Russia also. The tragic pain, agony and destruction is intolerable.