This is crushing! I knew this would be gutting to read and it was more than that. It is true, the church is a sanctuary for abuse. My former church pushed women back into abusive marriages. Two of the counselors I went to were female. One was the lead pastor's wife. They cared nothing about my children's health and wellbeing, or mine.
Calling the women crazy is textbook abuse. They will always destroy you to defend their image. Women are considered objects to control and keep quiet.
I have heard John McArthur a few times. One time I heard him, he was invited onto a top Conservative radio talk show. He introduced himself by sternly reciting his list of strongly held beliefs. One was spare the rod, spoil the child, among the other expected ones. Women and children are only objects to him. All of this behavior is vile and disgusting. McArthur is toxic poison being hero worshipped only because he is a man that heads a church. Again, this proves more examples of mental illness within religion. It is a country club for toxic men.
It is way past time for masses of people to finally decide to get out of the poison or just declare they are joining with evil.
Why does this church still exist when they see this information? Where is the righteous anger, indignation and outrage? Do Christians not care about abuse? ...But no one believed me or cared about my abuse either. I hope people can see that going to the church- for any type of counseling or matters such as these- is always a bad bet. Don't be afraid to report directly to law enforcement beyond the reach and control of the church.
I appreciate that you are speaking out about this, Jonathan.