The irony is incredible. The toxic person is coming in on an article about enabling abusers. He has a pattern of being toxic and abusive to you and others. Then others jump in to enable his abusiveness (the 'flying monkeys' who join, piling on, further harming and abusing). He alone is responsible for his behavior and actions and also the consequences of those. He did this. He earned it all. Not you, not anyone else. And circle back to Danny Masterson, Aaron Solomon and most other toxic abusers /perpetrators. We see this guy, likewise, acting out, blame shifting, lying, bullying and switching it up like he is the victim as he tries to claim others are the abusers. It is textbook narcissistic abuse. The irony! He just showed more people who he is. But as with Masterson and others, many will always support and enable them.
They arrogantly do what they do because they can, feel they are entitled and if there are consequences then become completely unhinged.