Uh -Oh! It is always the woman's fault? He had no fault or responsibility in the relational dysfunction? I know personally that women can be horrible. But I wonder if he is a Christian man who has to devalue the woman to save his image? Or was it only the women who were guilty?
It is not difficult to see the long-held patterns of men who wish to hold onto their social and financial status. They devalue and discard women. For many men, women are objects to be tossed out and trampled on. Abandonment and betrayal can be a polished way of saying: hormonal, let herself go (fat), crazy and the best Christian label for a woman is adulterer (because this is the lightning bolt of religious crime). Of course, the newest model is told of his pain and hurt. The wounded, sad puppy ploy works very well with empathic, compassionate women. Narcissistic tactics. Blame shifting.