Well said! This person's statement would be assuming that you are just spouting out things you don't really believe. Though I don't think for a moment that this guy had any process of thought behind his typing. These people are unhinged and are compelled to lash out and criticize. He didn't take a moment to consider what you are saying because it makes him angry that you are saying these things.
You have articulated this very well. I believe you are genuine in expressing what you believe and who you are. I agree with you, not because it is easy to applaud and "jump on the bandwagon" but because these things are what I believe as well.
I have only recently begun to see more clearly how pervasive and dark these ideas are that people hold. They want to keep their grip of control (bondage vs freedom). They need women to stay in their place and not get "any ideas in their pretty little heads".
Though I know sex is not the point, genuine feminism, which includes intelligence and friendship, will absolutely lead to men being on a much more pleasing and desirable path than a nasty attitude ever could. Unfortunately, few will ever understand this.