Yes. And I am pleased to be on the same team.
Yes, I see the irony. There is much depth within the concept of intimacy.
This makes me think of a very long thread of conversation between two people in the replies of (I believe it was Carlyn Beccia's) a piece about declining a fifth date because she wanted to get to know the person more and he didn't want to wait for sex (I believe that was it.). In the replies, the guy, who said he is older doesn't want to put in that much time (hypothetically multiple times with each person he would date) for a possibility that may never materialize. The younger female was also explaining her perspective and experience. It was respectful and interesting dialogue.
This I think, goes back to what you say about cultivating a friendship / relationship. I think your perspective of enjoying friendships and not prescribing to dating sites is a concept that I would hold to. It is good that you share your perspective. And I suppose each person should know who they are and what is best for them- as a whole being.