Yes good point! Betty seems very low grade in expression of emotion.
Not grieved at all: yes. Also it's severely twisted how the religious turn tragic events into god's will. Haven't we all heard crass phrases chrisitians say to the grieving standing beside caskets?
Interesting note from Van! Thank you for sharing. My mind is spinning. I can't think that I have ever said things to anyone like Bet and Van said/wrote to each other.
You are exposing so much more than the story of one set of people. It is the story of a vast system of religion, beliefs and lies. You are exposing the roots of all that is still spoken and taught. I think this is in part why it is so intriguing to me. Do you realize that you are singlehandedly exposing and speaking truth to a massive power structure? You are standing against abuse and lies.
Anxiously anticipating your continuing episodes!